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Is your website ready for the Hispanic Consumer? Become a leader in the Hispanic Market Outrank your Competition!
Versión en EspañolCapitalize on the Spanish language market by implementing Spanish SEO Marketing. Begin the process of marketing in Spanish and reaching out to the millions that prefer to search in their native Spanish language. However, the Hispanic population is not single monoculture and must be understood from both a cultural perspective as well as linguistic variation.
We do not treat all Spanish language audiences the same. In fact we suggest to our clients that a good starting point is to target the U.S. Hispanic market which is a large consumer oriented group that is growing. U.S. Hispanics have greater purchasing power, deeper credit card saturation, and a higher level of comfort with online ecommerce purchasing relative to any other segment of the Spanish speaking population. This segment continues to be the largest online growth sector of new internet users.
We do not translate English keywords into Spanish keywords, but instead “get into the mind” of the Spanish language search engine user. This will enable an accurate targeting of the proper Spanish keywords and phrases.
Your website must be ready to engage and convert the Hispanic visitor into a client. Vayu Media can help to develop the Spanish content and design additional web pages that would target the Hispanic visitor.
Doing business with the Hispanic population is not about interacting with Spanish speaking consumers in their language but rather bringing them to your website thru Hispanic SEO to do business with you in English!
For a free resource or a consultation
To achieve this, it is essential to optimize your websites with this niche market in mind. Marketing to Hispanics by selecting a reputable Hispanic advertising agency with Spanish SEO experience is the first step. Vayu Media’s Hispanic Marketing business unit is one of the leading Hispanic advertising agencies helping you with marketing to Hispanics through a broad offering of Spanish advertising, Hispanic SEO and Spanish SEO services. Vayu Media has a team of Spanish speaking analysts and project managers that specialize in Spanish SEO. Vayu Media’s experienced team understands the search behavior of the Hispanic population and can develop a custom strategy for your business to target this growing segment.
Are you looking to grow your business while focusing on the Hispanic community?
The Hispanic population has grown by 43% in the last 10 years according to the US Census Bureau (2010) and at the same time the Hispanic and Latino market has grown as well. The purchasing power of the Spanish speaking population has increased exponentially. The Hispanic population has adapted the American shopping habits. According to many studies, this trend will continue and accelerate in the next 10 years. However, the Hispanic community has shown a preference in the use of their native language when searching the web.
Your business has the opportunity to be the leader in targeting this growing segment.
Vayu Media can help your business to develop appropriate Spanish marketing internet marketing strategy to take advantage of these market trends.
Nothing delivers faster, more cost effective and more dramatic growth than organic search engine optimization. Now you can target this growing segment and become a market leader by marketing to Hispanics.
Studies of the University of Georgia show that the Hispanic buying power in the United States has grown by 247% in the last 15 years. "The Hispanic population has more resources available than any other minority group and has reached $860 billion a year, a figure that is predicted to exceed $ 1.3 billion in 2012."
The Hispanic market is an extraordinary opportunity to tap into this skyrocketing consumer market and increase business revenues.