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Search Engine Optimization is needed in order to create an online presence for yourself or your business. Of course, you can create a website to have a literal presence online, but without the use of SEO, people won’t know you’re out there. Search Engine Optimization is the practice of using keywords, keyword phrases, and Meta tags as a way of getting your website to achieve high rankings. Other ways of increasing search engine optimization include website links, quality content, and popularity of your site.
There are two types of SEO: organic and black hat. There has been a lot of talk about organic search engine optimization lately. It’s not a new concept, but more people have recently recognized it as an effective way to climb up on the search engine ladders. Using organic SEO means you create a site that makes it easy for search engines to find you. You also add content to the website that will provide quality, relevant information regarding your industry. More people have turned to this method for several reasons: to become visible online, to save money because paid advertising is expensive, and because their old unethical ways of driving traffic to their site isn’t working so well with the search engines anymore.
Black hat SEO is the adversary of organic search engine optimization. This is when people cheat the system in order to get high rankings for their website. They’ll stuff keywords into their web copy (even though it doesn’t make sense), hide information from the users, and fill their sites with fluff just as a way to put even more keywords onto their site. It’s considered unethical in the world of SEO, and what people don’t realize is that in the long run, it hurts their business. Consumers get irritated when they continually click on page after page of worthless nonsense, rather than the useful information they’re really searching for. This turns people off from websites thus causing a loss of traffic. If you want an inexpensive, effective way to get traffic to your website, organic search engine optimization is for you.